Sunday, February 26, 2023

Nathan (0)

This series will consist of writings narrating the experiences of a boy. I first wanted him to not have a name but then I chose the name Nathan. When I was fourteen, I watched this YouTube video and I somewhat related to it back then -I was never a drug addict, rather I rarely ever took my prescribed medication- although it's hard to remember what I related to it so much. I used to watch this video several times a week till 2020. So yea, I decided to name my character Nathan. These writings are somewhat based on my life but I try to not make it completely about myself although it might not look like that sometimes, I'll try though. Me narrating his experience is based on this movie "The Man Who Sleeps" which is and adaptation of the novel "A Man Asleep " by Georges Perec. I watched this movie on my seventeen birthday so it's pretty memorable to me. In this movie a French woman narrates the life and activities of an unnamed twenty-five-year-old French man. I think me writing about the boy is somewhat like that. In the movie the only thing we know about the woman is her voice and here, my words, in the movie we never see the man speak we just see him go from one day to the next just like Nathan who keeps living day after day -I feel crazy, does any of this writing make sense?- without never really speaking. 
I'll give trigger warning for literally everything, I guess. I often feel these writings are written in a way which is cringy, dramatic, attention- seeking and sympathy-seeking. I don't know though. 

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