Sunday, February 26, 2023


Hi. It's 26th of February 2023. My birthday was five days ago, I turned eighteen (yes legal, can vote but can't drink alcohol). Tomorrow is my chemistry final. This is my third blog. First one consisted of unpublished sci-fi stories and the second one was about my daily life but it started becoming too personal. This blog will mainly focus on a few poems I wrote (TW: they are shit) a few drawings and whatever shit I wrote alongside those drawings really. I used to write songs too but they all literally felt the same. My "work" is very scattered and will continue to be but I'll try to gather most of them in one place. 

Every year since thirteen I choose one pseudonym go by on all the internet for that year on all the platforms I created in that year. I keep joining all sorts of websites, forums, and stuff all the time. I don't change my name when that particular year has passed, just to help me keep a record of when I used to use that platform and how I used it. This year's name is actually based on someone's username from a forum that I came across this year. I liked their username and a part of my username has a part of their username. I never interacted with that person but this user kinda impacted me at the beginning of this year so I'll go by my chosen username to pay homage to that person. It's also based on my room, as in there's like a lot of stuff in my room that attracts dust and my room is always dirty and messed up so I don't clean the dust and it has kinda formed a layer at this point - reminds me of " mold" by Junji Ito, you can watch the anime adaptation in episode six of "Maniac" which was released earlier this year in January - and I'm afraid I might become dust one day. My room is definitely a nightmare for a person with dust allergy. I'm done.

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