Saturday, April 6, 2024


My bro misbehaved so mom stopped talking to him. She called me rn and asked if she should forgive my brother and I said no and my brother started saying that he asked her to call her mom not me because I'm (censored). My mom said the eldest daughter is like a mother like lmao if any of my siblings ever got assaulted even slightly, the fucker who did that wouldn't see light the next day. No way I'm as worthy to be a mom. I mean i would NEVER take my children to someone's house who assaulted one of my OWN kids for YEARS in my presence. My mom is so delulu but that is not the solulu lol. No mom, never, EVER compare me to you, I will never be as worthy as you, you deserve a medal for ignorance. 🩷

I see this clip of a mom who shot her seven year old daughter's rapist in the court and that is the kind of person, not mom but literally person I aspire to become. I really do hate my mom sometime, even my dad when I think about it. Yea they're nice but were they there for me when I needed them the most? No.

 I remember it was 26th of March, 2022. Beginning of 12th grade. I had already missed atleast four days of school. I was at my maternal grandmother's house. The morning I came back I probably had school, not sure tho. My mom was telling me how I've ruined myself and that I'll never get a job and no one will like me blah blah at seven in the morning after we got off the train all the way back until we reached home and then Bristol texts me at the same time how she doesn't like Melbourne taking about her self harm blah blah. And honestly at that moment I felt so alone and isolated. My own mom doesn't like me and the friend which I thought I had would never accept me. It really did set the tone for the entire year, my last year of highschool and if there was a little room for self improvement, my class teacher who I actually liked when I was younger and this other FUCKING girl who got slapped on my tenth birthday ruined it. On my tenth birthday my art teacher slapped that fucker because she was talking in class, back then, I felt sad because it was my birthday and I wanted people to be happy. That girl got a fever from that slap. I feel like it was a post- birthday gift for me because God do i hate her. She made my life miserable even though I actually NEVER did anything wrong to her or anyone. I used to be by myself and read novels at times but this bitch had some audacity. As per for my class teacher I feel like she just wanted to push people towards suicide, she was born to do that. I try not to use slurs towards her because even though she might be an extremely horrible person in my eyes I respect her job.

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i wanted to hold your hand.

I wanted to meet Bristol for a long time. We planned on Saturday before I go home. I dreses up in my best attire, wore a new bracelet, kept ...