Sunday, May 12, 2024

You look yet don't see

Created Date: 2022-10-02T21:09:36.318430+00:00

Language: en

 How'd it feels to be three?

 Everyone in your neighborhood loves you,

 You get jam sandwiched between biscuits,

 There are pretty flowers all around you,

 You mother parts your long hair and braids it,

 Riding in your father's bike to just finish lunch,

 You're smiling, probably laughing, everybody's nice.

 Then there's this house, in which a woman burned herself, alive.

You're too young to understand,

you don't feel any remorse. 

Ten years later you see a burn scar on your feet.

 You had accidentally burned yourself, 

it was an accident; you think of her.

 It grows on you, over the years,

 Ten more years and now she's you.

P.S.: This is something very disrespectful that I wrote. This whole thing is true except the last line, obviously. Also, burning oneself is one of the top-most painful ways to commit suicide. 

This is based in 2008 and the scenarios I have described are from my childhood pictures. The lady that I mentioned was my mom's sole and genuine best friend. Her husband was abusive and having an affair. My mom told me about her some years ago. I felt sorry for that lady and in no way does anything in my life compares to the pain she went through. 

In early October of 2018 I had accidently burned my feet. I was obsessed with fire since I was a kid. 

Sometimes, in my dreams, her empty house appears, with blacked walls inside and I get this unexplainable feeling. I cannot do anything except look at something that once used to have life.

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