Sunday, May 12, 2024

the moonlight shines, his windows closed

Created Date: 2022-10-06T19:46:18.342785+00:00

Language: en

 There's this boundary till one can push,

 After that there's only a void to fall into.

 You see hands reaching out,

 You try seeing closer and those hands have shovels that throw the dirt on you.

 You were so full of filth.

 The guilt never left you because you deserved it.

 If the people knew about the things you think and the things you do, they would hurt you.

 It's better to get buried.

 You deserve it, you deserve it all.

 Don't try to excuse yourself, we all saw you, we know the things you think. 

Don't try to run or hide, we'll always catch you.

 You are indeed a filthy animal but you are our filthy animal.

 We raised you, because we hated you. 

Now you'll die like the rest of us.

 Don't try to excuse yourself it's all in vain.

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