Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 I like the name Agustus. For example, Augustus Waters (wink, wink).


 Created Date: 2021-08-27T01:38:45.567518+00:00

Language: en

 It's August, I'm tired.

 The world has already come to an end.

 Sadness hangs over humanity,

 Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.

 Locked up in rooms, the minds wanders the world.

 Desperate people, looking for hope.

 Does life have a meaning? A purpose?

 I hardly believe that I'm real.

 Augustus, the first Roman emperor once said

 ' If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain'.

 Time progresses by, I don't.

 I'm stuck, like a rock in the ocean, immovable.

 I'm clueless about my future, or even the present.

 Things seem to change constantly, while remaining the same.

 August is almost over, so is this year,

 And I'm changing for the worse.

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