Wednesday, May 8, 2024



 Created Date: 2021-10-21T19:53:54.594021+00:00

 Language: en

 I'm sitting in my room, the clocks are ticking,

 I see the world fade and dissolve in front of me.

 I'm melting, summer has ended.

 I ask myself, who am I? No reply.

 I look outside the window, empty streets, empty houses,

 The leaves have fallen, nothing left on the branches.

 I'm unaware of who I was and who I have become.

 My soul is empty, nothing left, not even darkness.

 At times I don't feel like a person at all, as if I'm unreal.

 I see the daylight fade into the dark night and think if it's the same with me.

 I see people, at times it seems as if they have perfect lives,

 But the truth is, we all struggle with something.

 Sometimes I'm petrified, and sometimes I just want to be exterminated.

 They say things have a reason, a purpose, but all I see is my sadness surrounding me.

 I feel so lost, uncertain of the future,

 but I hope that it's better than the present.

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