Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 This particular poem I wrote about either Bristol or Melbourne. Probably Bristol. I was angry. Again, this is obviously not poetry but rather absolute dogshit but anyway.


 Created Date: 2020-09-12T07:01:58.077010+00:00

 Language: en

 You hate me

 Just the way many others do,

 It's only about

 What you show and what you don't.

 So why do you seem to care

 When you just don't?

 And then, there's me

 Thinking that you care for me

 Neglecting the people who actually do,

 But then, how am I supposed to know the truth?

 Time flies by,

 And so does your spurious affection.

 And then I realise,

 You never actually cared.

 And just like you, I become a faker too.

 And then I fake someone, just like the way you did to me.

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So shit.  College life gets wild for me every other day.  Yesterday (17/09/2024): Got woken up at 10:30 am by my flatmate, immediately took ...