Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 Okay this is the one about Melbourne. Faker was definitely about Bristol.


 Created Date: 2021-04-17T05:01:49.534162+00:00

 Language: en

 Since I was a kid, I always wanted a friend

 A friend who would understand me, 

Help me and listen to my queries

 Guide me the right way and always be with me. 

I kept on searching desperately, 

hoping  someone would understand me. 

I did get friends but they were superficial, 

We did talk about things but never about us. 

We never talked about what happened to us

 We kept on hiding everything from each other. 

I'd use to cry because I was desperate, 

I wanted someone to listen to me. 

Things used to go wrong and id just sit there. 

I was sick and tired of everything, 

All I wanted was a friend

 Never realizing that I was my only friend.

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