Tuesday, March 26, 2024


Soo, I was taking to Bristol the only friend I actually, like genuinely talk to AND she read a book today related to her life and while telling me about it she said she'd like to stay away from people who sh. She was referring to a friend of ours. Now I do not cut myself at the moment but damn do I have urges lately and they're worse than before. I thought Bristol would be my friend forever and stuff but if girlie finds out about me or any of my two blogs I will be literally killing myself.

Also, ED runs in our family unlike us. Yesterday was Holi, my Nani called several times, but I didn't pick up. She also called today earlier, and I didn't pick up because I was sleeping, and I kept forgetting to call back. She called tonight and I talked to her, and she was upset about her weight which was 100 kilograms back in 2019 or 2021, I can't remember clearly. She ended the call saying she wishes to be thin almost as thin as me. 

My mom recently joined a gym because she was 90 kilograms. She mentions her weight almost every time she calls. 

Now I am back in my starving era starting yesterday. I had an omad yesterday. I've decided to only eat dinner. Like I even logged in to my edtwt account that I actually tried to delete. I was overeating since my birthday in Feb. I was ordering food from outside. I definitely spent a LOT of money on that. I used to eat three tubs of ice cream, one bowl of ramen a strawberry mojito, a bubble tea in one day, including the food I get in my hostel and even occasionally going out to eat with a friend. I definitely have developed a habit of binge eating since I came here. Not have a scale to measure my weight give me a delusion that I weigh the say or even less which is definitely not true. So, I'll omad on Wednesday which is lunch then fast till Sunday and walk 30,000 steps owe day. I'm not overdoing it because I've done this type of shit in the past and effectively lost five to seven kgs that I didn't gain back, atleast not until I came here. Also, drinking lots of water. I don't feel like exercising so I'll be skipping that. 

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