Friday, April 19, 2024

kys oreo

I hate oreooooo. 
I literally praised my period a few days ago how it doesn't hurt and it decided to be a bitch to me today like wth. I ate Ice cream thinking maybe sweet will help and guess whatI hate Oreos. As a kid they used to come in ten rupees packs 5 pieces per pack. I used to be so happy when mom bought them because compared to the offbrand versions or other biscuits they were expensive if taken per piece. But in 2021 I went to my maternal grandmother's place and I just couldn't eat more than four Oreos because of teeth sensitivity. The worst part being each piece of Oreo is around 50kcals like bruh wtf. For someone like me who eats like shit in one sitting, Oreo is nightmare fuel. I ate the Oreo flavoured cornetto today. I had it once when it first came and apart from being extremely high in calories it is terrible in taste and there is no flavour in the ice cream whatsoever. I hate you Oreos. Kys kys. My stomach hurts so bad. I went out with this pain to buy that expensive piece of shit only for it to turn out like this. Btw salted caramel is the best flavour of cornetto. I had that thrice in my lifetime and I loved it. I want to kms. Stomach hurts. I need to sleep. My body pains when I don't sleep even though I'm on the bed the entire day. I want to fucking end myself.

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