Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Do mi ti, why not me?

This is a transcript from an audio message sent from Bristol to me: 
Why so I get so jealous like whattttt. This is the same girl who made her that cup. Like um wgat what. I mean look if Bristol like Melbourne more it's completely fien because Melbourne is a really sweet person and she deserves the nicest thing but like why this cup girl ummmmmmm. 

Also why does Melbourne only texts me in times of crisis like I SWEAR. The most famous one being in 2020. He was assaulting me while I was texting Melbourne pretending he was not doing the things he was doing. He even tried to snatch my phone which only madd things worse. Aa per for today. I was c/s my lunch and she texts me in the middle of that. Also whenever I c/s I only think of Xihan. She hasn't been active in a while. I hope she's okay. Ngl c/s is actually better than purging. It's like a cheat code. 

I got electronics and communication in an okay college it's obviously not what I wanted. To be an astronaut I need a master's degree in a stem field so ig I'm fine for now. Mom is planning to make me do an mba but obviously that won't make me asn astronaut. It feels super silly to think I can STILL become an astronaut but like it is the only reason I'm alive. Like genuinely. Only reason. 

Mom is planning to put me in an on-campus hostel which is nice that I won't have to stay at home but like if I happen to do a par-time job at a fast-food place I'd have to spend more time and go there after college off campus. I really want to earn money while I'm in college. Maybe make a yt channel but idk what content to put out. Maybe livestream on twitch. Really clueless.

Also I need an American citizenship to become an astronaut for nasa. I obviously won't marry someone for citizenship but ig it's hard to get. I saw somewhere it takes six months but that's if I'm getting it. Also, the hardest part is how am I gonna get the flying experience. Should I become a pilot? Idk the qualification? Should I serve in my country's airforce? I missed the exam FOUR TIMES but it's okay ig. 

Also eating after fasting for hours feels like heaven. I basically barely ate today and I was so hungry but then my mom gave me milk tea and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. 

I was thinking about Anne Frank today and she was like fourteen. When I read her book I was younger than her but now I feel like she was so young and she did not deserve to die. Nobody deserved to die in the holocaust. Six million people killed in the name of religion. I hate world wars and I hate dictators. I hear about North Korea sometimes and I feel so sad. There's war everywhere. I really hope world war three does not happen because innocent civilians are the ones at loss. Also I hate when villians are painted as war heros like um actually they deserve to rot in jail.

Also olympics is happening and I wanna be a participant so bad. I really wanna do artistic swimming. It just baffles my mind. Like wow how does someone even do THAT? LIKE OMG YOU GO GIRL. Also I really want that olympics theme samsung phone😔. Also I heard the medals have a piece of Eiffel tower in them like so cool. The sad part is they have a convicted rapist participating too. He raped a 12 year old girl. That is so horrible. 

I feel like people who hate on certain groups be it races or like the LGBTQ community should actually use that hate for real reasons like rapista and pedophiles. They come is all shapes and forms. Too bad people are fucking stupid.

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