Friday, May 31, 2024

chat, did my grandfather catch me watching corn?

I've been on thst edging grind ever since. Like fakkk. The day I stop watching corn is the day j become a biblically accurate angel. So, it was like 3:30 am and I was watching corn and bam I saw my grandfather pass by. I sleep with my grandma and my grandpa sleeps in the next room. Technically the brightness was low and assuming he was sleepy he didn't see plus my legs were facing the way he passed by. But I was lying on my stomach and didn't start edging yet. As per for the corn video people were wearing cloths but the girl was wearing a swimsuit. Bitch if my grandfather actually found me doing shut imma kill myself fr. Anyway it's 5 am now, I went to open the main door and a fucking lizard fell on me. Fuck fuck fuck why. My grandma started laughter 😔. Anyway my grandfather woke up but didn't make eye contact with me while passing by.  Okay rn at 05:12 I was like "goodmorning grandpa and he replied goodmorning but like he seemed angry. Fuck chat help me. 
Also, currently it's me, my grandparents, my mom and siblings and my my uncle aunt and their two kids. All the adults seem to be angry with me cause I don't sleep on time, I barely eat and I am in the ohone and I don't have a college yet, nor do I have good scores to get one.  So much happening in my lufe and everything wants to maje me kms kms kms. 

Also, my mom allegedly caught me edging a few days ago. Like a few days before coming here my dad was not home one night so I stayed up. The room was dark and I was edging. The door was shut. All of a sudden I see light and realised my mom is standing there and I tried to change screens do fucking fast I bet my mom realised. She then later tells me she was once nineteen too so I tell her that phones didn't exist back then. Lke5my mom knows I edge 😭😭😭😭. Chatttttt.

Chat, pray for me. My grandfather used to be a police officer so he has big ass guns, oray he doesn't shoot me for bringing dishonour to the family.

Also, I was rude to my mom cause she keeps asking me to eat. I did apologize to her but I am so shit. I deserve to die 🥰.

Chat, update: it's 10:46 am and it's 2nd June??? I thought it was first, damn. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH. So, anyway, my grandpa keeps giving me this very certain stern look and waking up late doesn't help that. Am I cooked ? Should I plan self exit?

I'm currently trying to shit but my constipated ass does not givf consent to shit. It's been days again. Also I was supposed to vote, bit as I'm not at home I cannot. My father did. Also, I don't have my voter I'd card either because the government is lazy. I wanted to vote. Alex Hirsch always says to vote. I'm a disappointment. Rather, constipated disappointment.

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Well, I wanted to write since a long time because I have so much to say but I'm gonna summarize everything.

1. My period was supposed to be on 14th, but it always comes early so I wore a pad from 12th to 15th without a period! I thought I (finally) got Amenorrhea but guess who is NOT underweight? Yep, me. So, I then thought it was either PCOS or PCOD which would explain my hairy self. Also, I was hurting in certain areas and my breasts felt weirdly hard and painful all the time. I got it on 20th. The good thing about that place was that my periods were actually fun! I would only shed blood on the second day. On the first day it was like discharge. Sometimes my period even ended early. But here I am, on my fourth day still staining every single surface I come in contact with. Also, I only got stomachaches like two or three times there but since I finally came back on 15th my stomachaches are overstaying their visit (it fucking hurtss). Also, I had to teach my sister how to put a pad on and I felt I was um, sistering?

2. When I went back to that place with my father, I just felt I didn't belong there. But my room back home didn't feel like mine either. I had lost this sense of comfort related to where I belong. I returned on 3rd or fourth at 1 am or something. My father went away on 6th. He came with me because he thought it wasn't safe for me to travel alone at midnight at the age of nineteen. That's nice but I hope he also considered that sleeping under my cousin brother's " protection" at age nine wasn't very safe either. Also, my father is okay but like he forces me to do stuff after I deny because I clearly don't want to and it's mostly about food. There's this mall there that I wanted to visit since my inorganic chemistry teacher mentioned it, but I never went there. I wanted to go there with my dad, but he said it'd be pointless. I really don't know how I spent those ten to twelve days there honestly. Mostly lying in bed, eating a meal a day or on my phone. I had an exam on 12th. I was fucking falling asleep the entire time. I met a few people before finally coming back. They were all nice, took pictures. One girl even came down to wish me goodbye. I hope they have happy lives.

3. My room felt weirdly empty after I packed up my stuff. So empty. Also, I had to take two trains. I had five luggage and one of them was super heavy. I somehow took them to the platform. I made sure to thoroughly embarrass myself. The train was at 11 and I was at the platform by 8. Lovely hours. I was able to find the train. This really kind man helped me by putting my trolley up the train. I shared a compartment with a family. Husband and wife with a son who was around a year old with a few relatives. I talked to the kid at times he seemed to like me. I had a lower berth; the mom was above me and the father and kid were beside me. The kid was nice, I talked to him on a few occasions. The dad asked basic info about me and said there is a lot of suicide where I lived, and I was like yes. The train provided lunch and snacks. I ate my whole lunch which was a lot for me. I ate probably one snack and saved the rest. This one sweet I received with the snacks was open, so I asked the staff to exchange it but he never returned. The man was then telling how the people need to work and all of a sudden said that people like her (his wife) are the reason why the nation is so behind like WTF???? I genuinely disliked. He did help me take my luggage out of the train though as my uncle didn't come to receive me.

4. I called my uncle. It was 2 or 3pm when I reached. His office ends at 5:30 so he told me to wait in the AC waiting room on platform number thirteen. The train landed on the fourteenth platform (he thought two) and I had to carry all that stuff by myself. My hands hurt a lot and everything was so heavy. I took turns with them to carry them down the stairs. I was too tired when I finally reached down. It was crowded and had stell chairs so I decided to sit there as I could barely carry them anymore. I sat next to this old man. A few minutes later his wife came. They seemed to be in their mid sixties. My hands were hurting so I started apply vaseline on them. His wife saw and asked if something was wrong. I feel like at that moment I liked her more than I ever liked .y friends because the conversation was very genuine. She helped her husband in his buisness and was going for a religious trip but her train got late by ten hours or so. We talked a lot. She has a son and a daughter. Her daughter is a kathak dancer in Australia and her son des buisness management. She told me her lore, recommended me exercise to relive the pain and many similar ones, she told me health tips and recommend me engineering colleges. Her name was Kalpana Khanna. When I told her where I was returning from she told me twice to not kill myself and it felt like a sign from God. She told me to not get involved with boys until I get a job and she also said I'm perfect. Everything from my weight to my apprence is perfect and I should never change. She did tell me though that I need to be a but clever and not talk to random strangers. I liked her. I feel like the conversation that I had with her was way meaningful that the once I ever had with my own mom. She asked when my uncle would come. She even kept looking for him. Oh she also offerd me tea and foxnuts. My uncle finally came at seven, my train was at eight. She spotted him from me. My uncle bought chowmein and KFC zinger burger. I liked them both even though I was full. At some point it was just both of us talking as the place eventually got empty. I regret I couldn't wish her a proper goodbye. I think some things are meant to be. Like faith. Maybe I was supposed to be at the wrong platform and not reach my destination. I hope she lives a very fulfilled life. I hope she's always happy. 

5. Train 2: amAs I entered this man asked to exchange seeta as his dad had trouble with his leg but before I could agree my uncle immediately denied him. Now, I got the same seat and was stuck with a bunch of related strangers. The elderly man (the dad) asked about me and when I told him where I was coming from he just went "Their mothers aren't educated enough so they pressure their kids to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, etc" and I was thinking to myself if today is national sexism day specially towards mothers or what??? Like sir, I just met a very capable educated mother of two at the platform so your opinion is completely invalid. If women are uneducated it's because people of your time though of them as a burden and they actually wanted to study so I believe you can respectfully shut up. His words made me consider my uncle did right. Anyway, we did chat and stuff. Then above me was a lady who just left her daughter where I came from and was telling me about her daughter ( she's doomed if she continues her current habits) and asking for tops and telling me she sleeps a lot and gets low in tests and if it's normal or not. Anyway, I had dinner. There also was ice cream but I was too tired from eating and I couldn't finish my dinner and kinda slept. I did wake up at one am though. I probably slept at ten. Twhy did not give me ice cream 😔. In the morning the woman took my number and we talked a Lil bit about what could help her daughter. She'll be okay I guess. Then the father and his son started asking me. The duo was talking to another elderly couple and turns out their daughter was the son's batcmate. Like wow miracle. Btw, these people were like super rich. The son was thirty something with a wife. He has two elder sisters. I talked to them and it was nice. I genuinely liked it. Overall I would give it a 9/10. One mark less for the dad's sexist remark. 

6. Bedwetting: I don't remember sleeping at night. I didn't sleep on the nighg of my birthday or before my exam on fourth. I definitely didn't sleep at night since twenty-fourth when my result came out but I did sleep two days at night when I came back home and guess what I had pissed the bed. It was exactly gpur twenty am when I woke up I was shocked. I remember pissing back in seventh or eight grade and blaming it on my siblings. I wonder uf I did that on the train too since I slept three hours there. I haven't sleitvsince and today is 28th of May, 5:08 am. 5:09 now. 

7. Dreams : I've had all sorts of dreams. In one dream I had Michael Reeves playing hide and seek and towards the end I'm looking for Ali but didn't find him. I need to get this Ali boy out of my head asap. Anyway another dream I'm with my friends and then I get lost. Now these aren't nightmares but then sometimes extremely weird things happen. One that stood out was with my sister and mom. My suster daud something I don't remember but it felt like the time she told my mom I cut myself. Anyway i talk to my mom and apparantly my mom physical abuses my teddy bear Bunny because HE hurt me (not Bunny but him). Bunny is also probably bleeding at dond point ig. In the dream I felt happy though. I felt happy because my mom stood up for me. In that moment I felt I had a mom who cared enough for me. 

8. Parents:  I've veen constantly failing. They're acting nice though. My father is just upset about my sleeping and eating habits. I once told my mom I didn't eat fish in a year and my dad bought it a few days later. I was incredibly grateful. On 23rd I told my mom of they don't sell ice apples at this time and on 24th my dad bought them. For me. He searched for rehm for an hour after his job ended in the extreme summer heat. I went to thank my mom and dad. My dad this this thing on my head and it felt so innocent and pure. It was life a head massager kind of action. Almost as if he plucked a flower/weed from my head. I liked it. I wish this happiness could last. My mom peeled one for me. I live ice apples. It's my favourite fruit. I called them bada litchi (big litchi). 

9. Twenty one pilots: They finally released their album on twenty fourth. They live streamed it at 9:30 am but I was sleeping. I woke up at eleven. Kinda upset but okay ig. I love the album. I hope it wins many grammys. I did eventually watch the livestream too. They kept saying they won't win any awards anymore but if they do I'm definitely not killing myse6and becoming an astronaut. I love the album. 

10. Results: was sleeping and at one am I find out the result came out for another exam u was very much hoping for. It was absolutely shit. I got a 37k rank. Mu mom didn't scold me. I stayed up that night. I wanted to huet myself so bad. I was very upset. I had a lighter with me. J wanted to burn my left arm by placing it directly above a lighter. I checked on shtwt and didn't really find anyone doing it. I wanted to fucking burn my arm and but on those blisters. I'm a shit daughter, sister, friend, student, person, whatever. I hated myself. I cried for like three hours or more. I hated myself. I don't know if I'll even get a college.

11. Coming to maternal grandmother : It's my grandparent's fiftieth anniversary so we came here. I'm being force fed 😔. We're the first ones to arrive. The first thing my sister told me yesterday morning when I woke her up  was will I love her less when our other cousin sisters arrive and I was like "no?"

Anyway. Currently it's 5:27 am.

I sleep during the day to avoid "night"mares 🤓☝️. 

(Btw the day I reached home another cousin brother visited and he asked about HIS wedding. Damn. Also I have a lot to write but poor memory 😔)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Draft 2022-11-10, 17:54

Created Date: 2022-11-10T12:24:46.520277+00:00

Language: en

The weeks blend into days but he sits there

 Beneath his window in the same corner

 Those hands never leave him.

The marks are still there, they don't fade

 He wishes to die, but he patiently sits. 

He also wishes to live but he knows it's in vain.

Draft 2022-10-07, 01:24

Created Date: 2022-10-06T19:54:37.868817+00:00

Language: en

He thinks so much 

his thoughts overflow 

Now he's bleeding on the floor 

He asks for forgiveness but is there any left to give?

 Nobody's there now, he drove them away

He's by himself

 He's drowning

 In his blood an in his thoughts 

What has he become 

Why has he become so 

He's going, gone.

 His body remains.

 Wait he's here, he was always here.

 Who's he? Why him?

 He cries, they saved him.

 They loved him.

 He did not want love.

 He persists.

Draft 2022-10-07, 01:19

Created Date: 2022-10-06T19:49:03.675165+00:00

Language: en

 Today he's drowning,

 Tomorrow he'll float,

 Found at last,

 Although he doesn't seem to smile.

the moonlight shines, his windows closed

Created Date: 2022-10-06T19:46:18.342785+00:00

Language: en

 There's this boundary till one can push,

 After that there's only a void to fall into.

 You see hands reaching out,

 You try seeing closer and those hands have shovels that throw the dirt on you.

 You were so full of filth.

 The guilt never left you because you deserved it.

 If the people knew about the things you think and the things you do, they would hurt you.

 It's better to get buried.

 You deserve it, you deserve it all.

 Don't try to excuse yourself, we all saw you, we know the things you think. 

Don't try to run or hide, we'll always catch you.

 You are indeed a filthy animal but you are our filthy animal.

 We raised you, because we hated you. 

Now you'll die like the rest of us.

 Don't try to excuse yourself it's all in vain.

You look yet don't see

Created Date: 2022-10-02T21:09:36.318430+00:00

Language: en

 How'd it feels to be three?

 Everyone in your neighborhood loves you,

 You get jam sandwiched between biscuits,

 There are pretty flowers all around you,

 You mother parts your long hair and braids it,

 Riding in your father's bike to just finish lunch,

 You're smiling, probably laughing, everybody's nice.

 Then there's this house, in which a woman burned herself, alive.

You're too young to understand,

you don't feel any remorse. 

Ten years later you see a burn scar on your feet.

 You had accidentally burned yourself, 

it was an accident; you think of her.

 It grows on you, over the years,

 Ten more years and now she's you.

P.S.: This is something very disrespectful that I wrote. This whole thing is true except the last line, obviously. Also, burning oneself is one of the top-most painful ways to commit suicide. 

This is based in 2008 and the scenarios I have described are from my childhood pictures. The lady that I mentioned was my mom's sole and genuine best friend. Her husband was abusive and having an affair. My mom told me about her some years ago. I felt sorry for that lady and in no way does anything in my life compares to the pain she went through. 

In early October of 2018 I had accidently burned my feet. I was obsessed with fire since I was a kid. 

Sometimes, in my dreams, her empty house appears, with blacked walls inside and I get this unexplainable feeling. I cannot do anything except look at something that once used to have life.

the sun was just too bright to blind him

Created Date: 2022-09-29T21:29:35.488984+00:00

Language: en

 Here we see him, six years old, trying to catch the wind,

 Here we see him, twenty six years old, trying to catch the bus.

Draft 2022-09-09, 12:20

Created Date: 2022-09-09T06:50:32.058744+00:00

Language: en

I often think how my life would be if all of that never happened.

I wouldn't have these scars,

And never having those



 Chest pains.

 I'd be healthier,

 Maybe smarter, maybe alive.

empty sky

Created Date: 2022-08-18T20:06:59.965672+00:00

Language: en

 I'm calling for my father, 

My hand won't stop shaking in the echoes.

The Artist

Created Date: 2022-02-12T12:01:21.485738+00:00

Language: en

 I still paint, 

My hands still grip the paint brush and stroke my Canvas,

 I still like to draw,

 But things have changed a bit, 

The paint is my blood, and the brush is the blade, and the canvas is me.

Draft 2021-11-06, 00:05

Created Date: 2021-11-05T18:36:01.838013+00:00

Language: en

 A person of the past, 

I fade by the passing days.

 I'm more of a memory now,

 No future, nowhere to go or hide.

 Nostalgia fills my veins while I drown in a river of sadness (vain). 

Things have changed a lot, even people and places, I've changed too.

All I am is a detrimental person.

 I don't mean to be cruel, but neither am I kind.


Created Date: 2021-03-04T19:35:00.140469+00:00

Language: en

 Love, as people say, isn't sweet like

 Sugar and honey,

 It's harsh and painful,

 To love and to be loved.

 Love isn't like a day in Spring,

 But a cold winter night.

 Love was never about hugs and kisses

 But about sacrifices and forgiveness.

 It isn't a feeling that springs all of a sudden

 And leaves you euphoric

 But, a feeling, developing over the years

 On countless invisible bruises and burns. 


So, this tag will consist of my incomplete drafts or the poems I wrote after the M series. Almost all of the drafts are incomplete and even some dates aren't accurate. Someday I would like to write actual poetry like Ocean Vuong. He's so great. I love his words. I'm almost jealous. Flatsound is kinda poetic too. I would feel better about myself if I had an actual skill. 

Not related to the tag but I finally go back home tomorrow. Bristol asked if we could meet, and I told her that she could come over, but she asked to meet near a shop near her bus stop. I like having a friend(s). She recently went to the beach and said that her, Melbourne and I should visit together sometime. Bristol and Melbourn are actually good with poetry.

Lately, I just want to die again. Adulthood doesn't seem fit for me or vice versa.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


The eyes glare at me and distort

They're always staring at me ma, I keep saying.

You've always said it's all in my head, it's all in me.

I know it's all in me and I don't want it.

What would life be if that never happened?

You're not at home, I sit with the blade in the bathroom.

I know I promised I won't maybe for the hundredth time.

I'm sorry, 

Honestly, I'd rather die but I know you like me and how much it'd break you if I was gone.

I keep holding a little longer, but there's an end to it.

It's dad's birthday today but you woke me up with gifts. 

And to you dad, in sorry for who I was.

I remember how happy you were when you saw me eat when you came back from work

Just for me to later purge it in the toilet like every other day.

I did not choose to be like this, I would never.

But things like this kept happening for all those years.

Right in front of your eyes, why didn't you see?

I'm sorry I lie a lot to you, I have this feeling that you'll dislike me for who I am, please forgive me.


You knew what he was doing

And you let him do it

All those years, you just kept tolerating it

You knew it was wrong, 

So why didn't you tell anyone about it?

You very well known that cutting and slashing doesn't work for you, anymore

Why do you keep harming yourself

When they walk free, without any shame?

Haven't you lost count of your suicide attempts?

Weren't you only six? 

I bet you see him on the streets, and cry to yourself back at home

Why do you get to suffer when it was them?

I know your mother didn't trust you then but now she's there. Is it any good?

You can't sleep at night, you're afraid of being alone, you're afraid of being touched,

You're afraid, afraid, afraid.

Do you realize that you're becoming him now?

Wasn't that your greatest fear?

How long until it eats you alive?

You're barely living.

I'm sorry I didn't understand you back then, I didn't think you were serious back then, I'm sorry you left.


Slept, awoke, slept, awoke, miserable life.

My mother keeps saying how happy I was, I'm better now.

I try to lie on my bed but I sink and drown.

I try to distract myself but I'm surrounded by it.

Is it real? Am I real?

They know, they know, they know,

But you keep pretending.

Your windows are always shut but there's so much light inside you.

Will we ever meet? Do we know each other?

I won't fall this time, either way my paintbrush was stolen, the canvas sits dry.

I've cut my hair, my hands, my legs, who am I now?

What have I become, I'm sorry.

You see, I bet you do. You know it all yet you don't speak. Why do you do so?

P.S.: The first line is a Franz Kafka diary entry.

“Slept, awoke, slept, awoke, miserable life.”
𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟿, 𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟶.
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚣 𝙺𝚊𝚏𝚔𝚊, 𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟶-𝟷𝟿𝟷𝟹.


Once a body now a vessel,

You reach out your hand but I have no arms.

You feed on dreams while I wet my bed.

It's my birthday today, I was awake all night.

I can't sleep, I can never sleep.

I'm afraid to sleep on the side of the bed,

I fear my desk, I fear them.

There isn't really any escape though, I have to live through this, 

Death was never an escape, it was just changing forms.

People love you, they really do and I've seen it. at times I've envious but that's okay because I love you too.


How much does it weigh you down?

Can you breathe?

Do you cry about it? 

I'm really sorry for you, i can't think of anything else to say.

It's okay, you can cry about it.

Can you think of anything else? 

It's okay you'll get better, you'll live.

You've been trying really hard, I've been trying too.

You killed yourself, i died too.

I really don't know what to say. 

I'm sorry, again.

Yes I lied, that's the only reply I had afterall.


Yeah, definitely living the life.

Honestly, it's not that bad, some people have it worse or atleast that's what I read.

My mother doesn't scold me anymore, rather she fears me.

I've become a manipulator, controlling lives.

I don't want to be one, but I've been handed the strings.

I can't find my strings.

As a matter of fact, I can barely see.

I'll keep on walking. 

I hope there aren't any edges.

I know you saw, it's okay.

P.S.: Sixth line is a reference from the novel "Paper Towns".

“Maybe all the strings inside him broke.”
― Paper Towns, John Green.


You no longer cry, you just sit there, you see.

You occasionally laugh but never cry. 

You've cried enough or that's what you tell yourself.

You try not to think about it, or that or even that.

But they're always on your mind.

You barely remember but you'll never forget those. 

Are they memories or nightmares? 

Why are you awake tonight? Weren't you supposed to be asleep?

What do you do up all night?

How do you look people in the eye? Do you look at them at all?

Are you able to differentiate between faces or are they all the same for you?

Your mom does everything to not make you think about any of these while your father simply ignores it's existence.

Do you have friends? Do they like you? Do you like them? Did you tell them about this? What did they say? Did they tell you about themselves? What did you think? Do you still like them? Do you hate them?

Do you remember yourself anymore? Or are you just a memory to yourself too? 

You said you liked me, but do you hate me?


Funeral for the living 

While the dead rot on the street.

I get this feeling they know, they definitely do.

Open your slits as you're running out of time. 

Can you see yourself? Can they see you?

They throw the dirt on you and then cry on you.

You we're wounded either way, a lot of blood was shed, now you're alone, but safe.

P.S.: I took the term "Open your slits" somewhat from the song "Before You Start Your Day" by Twenty One Pilots replacing the word "the" with "your".


I lie to my mother as I eat my worned out hands.

The halls are empty, so are the stairs.

The morning suns makes me reflect on the deeds of the night, 

I'm sorry mother, forgive me father,

It won't happen again. 

The mirrors gets another new crack every day. 

My friend was sick, and then dead.

I liked you, still do.

I don't mean any harm but you could've told us, we were standing in the shadows while you burnt.

P.S.: The third line is inspired from the song "Guns for Hands" by Twenty One Pilots.

Also, the mirror crack line came from this image which is from the movie "Un homme qui dort".


 I started this series where I write poems about how I feel when I think about him. His nickname starts from M, hence the name of the series. I used to have a mini notebook which I used to take to school, just in case "inspiration" strikes. I have lost the first two poem of the series. I feel like I wrote atleast 13 of them. Some poems are on Poetizer and some in that notebook. I could only find upto M10 on Poetizer though.  I think I might have destroyed the pages of the notebook on which I wrote the poems, incase mom finds it and I gave the rest of the empty notebook to my sister, but I am not sure. When I go back home, I'll search for it. As of now I will be starting the series from M2. 

I cannot accurately say when I wrote these as the dates are messed up in the softcopy I received but all of them were in 2022. The last edited post is of October which is available. I believe I started in April itself but I'm not very sure. 

Also, the writing sense is kinda inspired by the movie "Un homme qui dort".



 Created Date: 2021-10-21T19:53:54.594021+00:00

 Language: en

 I'm sitting in my room, the clocks are ticking,

 I see the world fade and dissolve in front of me.

 I'm melting, summer has ended.

 I ask myself, who am I? No reply.

 I look outside the window, empty streets, empty houses,

 The leaves have fallen, nothing left on the branches.

 I'm unaware of who I was and who I have become.

 My soul is empty, nothing left, not even darkness.

 At times I don't feel like a person at all, as if I'm unreal.

 I see the daylight fade into the dark night and think if it's the same with me.

 I see people, at times it seems as if they have perfect lives,

 But the truth is, we all struggle with something.

 Sometimes I'm petrified, and sometimes I just want to be exterminated.

 They say things have a reason, a purpose, but all I see is my sadness surrounding me.

 I feel so lost, uncertain of the future,

 but I hope that it's better than the present.


 I like the name Agustus. For example, Augustus Waters (wink, wink).


 Created Date: 2021-08-27T01:38:45.567518+00:00

Language: en

 It's August, I'm tired.

 The world has already come to an end.

 Sadness hangs over humanity,

 Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.

 Locked up in rooms, the minds wanders the world.

 Desperate people, looking for hope.

 Does life have a meaning? A purpose?

 I hardly believe that I'm real.

 Augustus, the first Roman emperor once said

 ' If you want rainbow, you have to deal with the rain'.

 Time progresses by, I don't.

 I'm stuck, like a rock in the ocean, immovable.

 I'm clueless about my future, or even the present.

 Things seem to change constantly, while remaining the same.

 August is almost over, so is this year,

 And I'm changing for the worse.


 This one also has a line inspired from Khaled Hosseini.

“I want to tear myself from this place, from this reality, rise up like a cloud and float away, melt into this humid summer night and dissolve somewhere far, over the hills. But I am here, my legs blocks of concrete, my lungs empty of air, my throat burning. There will be no floating away.”
― Khaled Hosseini, The Kiterunner.


 Created Date: 2021-05-21T19:29:07.457036+00:00

 Language: en

 I keep falling back into the pain of the past,

 struggling with the task of existing.

 Even though I'm used to being alone, it weighs heavy on me sometimes,

 And I feel as if I am missing from my own existence.

 Sometimes I think I died a long time ago,

 But the seasons kept changing and the sun kept rising,

 And everyone carried on with their lives,

 Making me feel so significant.

 I'm too often afraid of something that hasn't even happened yet,

 And I envy all people because I'm not them,

 I am always in too many worlds,

 even tho my real world is falling into pieces.

 I just want to melt into these humid summer nights,

 And rise up like up like a cloud, and float in the void.

 I don't need a mirror anymore because reality isn't an option.

 And sometimes better is all I can ask for, better is everything.

 there are these moments I think I won't survive, and then I survive.

 Because no feeling is final, and I should keep on going.


 Okay this is the one about Melbourne. Faker was definitely about Bristol.


 Created Date: 2021-04-17T05:01:49.534162+00:00

 Language: en

 Since I was a kid, I always wanted a friend

 A friend who would understand me, 

Help me and listen to my queries

 Guide me the right way and always be with me. 

I kept on searching desperately, 

hoping  someone would understand me. 

I did get friends but they were superficial, 

We did talk about things but never about us. 

We never talked about what happened to us

 We kept on hiding everything from each other. 

I'd use to cry because I was desperate, 

I wanted someone to listen to me. 

Things used to go wrong and id just sit there. 

I was sick and tired of everything, 

All I wanted was a friend

 Never realizing that I was my only friend.


 This particular one I actually put effort in and wrote from my heart, but it obviously sucks. It was my sister's birthday. Also, the last line is inspired by a Khaled Hosseini quote:

“I suspect the truth is that we are waiting, all of us, against insurmountable odds, for something extraordinary to happen to us.”
― Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed.


 Created Date: 2021-04-11T23:25:12.865406+00:00

 Language: en

I was born with wings, but crawled through life

 I used to be young and naive,

 Playing around with myself

 And pretending, everything was fine.

 But things have changed, and I've grown up.

 I have duties to fulfill and lives to change.

 These days I feel like I'm living in a trance,

 Becoming anxious with each progressing day.

 It feels as if life's fading away into nothingness,

 And I'm sitting there, watching it fade.

 It's been so long since I've looked like myself,

 Talking and walking like someone else.

 I think I'm searching for something,

 Something unreachable and unfindable.

 But the truth is, I'm waiting,

 Waiting for something extraordinary to happen.


 This particular poem I wrote about either Bristol or Melbourne. Probably Bristol. I was angry. Again, this is obviously not poetry but rather absolute dogshit but anyway.


 Created Date: 2020-09-12T07:01:58.077010+00:00

 Language: en

 You hate me

 Just the way many others do,

 It's only about

 What you show and what you don't.

 So why do you seem to care

 When you just don't?

 And then, there's me

 Thinking that you care for me

 Neglecting the people who actually do,

 But then, how am I supposed to know the truth?

 Time flies by,

 And so does your spurious affection.

 And then I realise,

 You never actually cared.

 And just like you, I become a faker too.

 And then I fake someone, just like the way you did to me.


 I used to write poetry on this app called Poetizer, but it lately turned shit.

My current username is "Gambling Man" which is inspired by a lyric from the song "Kitchen Sink" by Twenty One Pilots. Earlier it was TG something where TG stood for Trap Goose which was a name Lil Peep used. I don't remember the ones before these.

This was the first poem I wrote; it was on my father's birthday. I was scrolling through Pinterest and came across "unknown" words and wrote a poem with them. It's tooooooo cringy in a way like who tf writes something like this but um yea. It doesn't really mean anything to me except that it's my first poem and that I tried.


 Created Date: 2020-09-09T16:03:47.997011+00:00

 Language: en

 she was like apricity, a sweven in his life.

 she was his ikigai, gorgonized him as a lie.

 She was a zephyr, in the lacuna of his life.

 His love was like sunflowers, which always faced the sun.

 But then it changed, as all things do.

 The atrabilious of her death,

 The moira of cancer,

 which grew inside her,

 and left him with an aeonian cimmerian.

 His life was a dungeon of toska.

 he was vad,

 his life was full of saudade.

 he coulden't bear it anymore,

The halcyon days were back after he finally saw her.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

For 26th February, 2023.

The username of the original person was soent_stardust on this suicide forum called Sanctioned Suicide. He killed himself. He was as old as me. I even saw his posts although never interacted because the train method is obviously too painful and I used to mostly interact in the games discussion because I was to scared to actually assist someone killing themselves. I didn't know he was seventeen too. He killed himself by getting under a train. I saw it in a news article posted in the forum. The news article was probably in Spanish although it may be Portuguese too but I think this dude was European. His death caused a lot of attention to the website as a Youtuber made a video about his death. Spent Stardust also had aYouTube channel. There definitely are certain users across all forums whose deaths have impacted me and he is definitely one of them. It just feels so surreal and unbelievable like it should me, you're a good person spent_stardust, you don't deserve to die, life gets better I promise. 

I don't remember my first username for this website but it was something like dustspeck. Currently it's deathscape. More like death- escape. Escaping death every single day because I have to earn money. 

Also, I actually have more of Nathan back at home so I'll post about it when get back. 

I have this recurring feeling lately that I genuinely don't want to live. I just want to earn lots of money to support my family and then kill myself.

My father came to drop me off, while going back he tried to call mom and she didn't pick up. He called around three times. My father said " she's of no use" in a tone that is unknown to me. It's almost as if he doesn't love her. It's just well, a relationship. Just relation. I wouldn't want my husband to be like this. I'm so scared if males but I also like (around my age) so much. It's more like I need your validation and prove to me you're not like him. You genuinely love me. But I am not a good person. Once I get over crushing over boys my age it's over for y'all.

Currently listening to Eugene by Sufjan Stevens. Love him so much. He's amazing. I love his songs. This one specifically. It reminds me of the affection I had to adults as a kid. How everything used to be a bit mire saturated and I used to cheerful but slowing fading. I can never thank Bristol enough for introducing me to Sufjan Stevens. She's an okay friend, nice as a matter if fact.


i wanted to hold your hand.

I wanted to meet Bristol for a long time. We planned on Saturday before I go home. I dreses up in my best attire, wore a new bracelet, kept ...